SPSS and SAS Macros
Below are some tools I have created to make analyses easier in SPSS and SAS. Please read the associated documentation and contact me if you have any questions. All of my tools are also stored on git hub.
My adviser, Andrew Hayes, and lab mate, Nick Rockwood, also have a number of macros available for SPSS and SAS. If you do not see a tool you need here check out Andrew's website and Nick's Website.

Current Version: 3.0
MEMORE is a macro for SPSS and SAS that estimates mediation, moderation, and moderated mediation models for two-instance within-subjects/repeated measures designs. The macro will estimate interactions and conditional effects for moderation models and the total, direct, and indirect effects of X on Y through one or more mediators M for mediation models. In moderated mediation models, it estimates conditional indirect effects and indices of moderated mediation. In a path-analytic form using OLS regression as illustrated in Montoya and Hayes (2017), it implements the method described by Judd, Kenny, and McClelland (2001, Psychological Methods) and extended by Montoya and Hayes (2017) to multiple mediators. Along with an estimate of the indirect effect(s), MEMORE generates confidence intervals for inference about the indirect effect(s) using bootstrapping, Monte Carlo, or normal theory approaches. MEMORE also provides an option that conducts pairwise contrasts between specific indirect effects in models with multiple mediators. Moderation models follow the procedures outlined by Judd, Kenny, and McClelland (2001, Psychological Methods) for testing interactions and Montoya (2019, Behavior Research Methods) for probing interactions. Most recently, Montoya (2025) introduces conditional process analysis (AKA moderated mediation) for two instance repeated-measures designs. ​
NEW FEATURES with Version 3.0 (See documentation for more detail)
Moderated Moderation Models: Models 4 through 18 introduce moderated mediation in any simple (single mediator) or parallel (multiple mediator) model with a single between-subject moderator.
All previous features that apply to mediation and moderation models are compatible with the moderated mediation models, the only exception is moderated mediation models with serial mediation is not yet available.
Plotting, centering, Johnson-Neyman technique, Monte-Carlo confidence intervals, and more are available!
If you ever encounter errors in using MEMORE, please double check the documentation and make sure you've specified everything correctly, including the spelling of your variables. If you persist to have errors, please submit an issue on GitHub with a description of your analysis and a screenshot or attachment of your output. ​
Montoya, A. K. (2019). Moderation analysis in two-instance repeated-measures designs: Probing methods and multiple moderator models. Behavior Research Methods, 51,(1), 61 - 82.
OGRS (Omnibus Groups Regions of Significance)
Current Version: 1.2
OGRS is a macro for SPSS and SAS used for probing interactions between a multicategorical independent variable (X) and a continuous moderator (M) in predicting a continuous outcome variable (Y). OGRS provides an omnibus test of interaction between X and M, regression results for when X is coded as dummy variables, and Johnson-Neyman boundaries of significance for the omnibus effect of X on Y along M. The Johnson-Neyman boundaries are found using a modified bi-section search algorithm. Examples of OGRS code and output are available in Hayes and Montoya (2017).